Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Shivaji The Great


Shivaji Bhosle (19 february 1630 – 3 april 1680) with the royal title Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was a Marathi King from the Bhosle dynasty who founded the Mraratha Empire. Shivaji led a resistance to free the Marathas from Sultanate of Bijapur, and establish the rule of the Hindus (“Hindavi Swarajya”). He created an independent Maratha kingdom with Raigad as its capital and fought against the Mugals to defend his kingdom successfully. He was crowned Chhatrapati of the Maratha kingdom in 1674.
He achieved the re establishment of Maratha rule on their homeland after being ruled and dominated by various Muslim dynasties for few hundred years. He established a competent and progressive civil rule with the help of well regulated and disciplined military and well structured administrative organizations. The prevalent practices of treating women as war booty, destruction of religious monuments, slavery and forceful religious conversions were firmly opposed under his administration. Shivaji was a religious Hindu, and showed respect toward other religions. He also innovated rules of military engagement of that era. He pioneered “Shiva Sutra” or Ganimi Kava (guerrilla tactics), which leveraged strategic factors like demographics, speed, surprise and focused attack to defeat his bigger and more powerful enemies.
Early life of Shivaji:
Shivaji was born in the hill fort of Shivneri near the city of junnar. While Jijabai was pregnant, she had prayed the local diety “Shivaji” for the good of her expected child. Shivaji was named after his local deity.
Shivaji’s father Sahaji Bhosale was the chieftain of a hardy band of warrior class mercenaries that served the Deccan Sultanates. His mother was Jijabai, the daughter of Lakhujirao Jadhav of Sindkhed. During the period of Shivaji’s birth, the power in Deccan was shared by Sultanates-Bijapur, Ahmednagar and Golconda. Sahaji kept changing loyalty between the Nizamshahi of Ahmadnagar, Adil shah of bijapur and the Mugals, but always kept his jagir(fiefdom) at pune and his small army with him . Gomaji Naik Pansambal, a trusted master of state craft, was deputed by Lakhuji Yadavrao(Jadhav) to look after Jijabai. He remained Jijabai and Shivaji throughout his life. He also was a master of sword. But most importantly, he advised Shivaji in making certain crucial decisions which had far reaching effects on the character of the Maratha empire.
Marathi Language:
Chhatrapati Shivaji made preparations for effective use of Marathi language his mother tongue. He started Rajvyavharkosh(translation: dictionary for administration of Kingdom) and Encyclopedia of Marathi words.

Forts of shivaji:
Shivaji constructed a chain of 300 or more forts running over a thousand kilometers across the rugged Western Ghats. Each were placed under three officiers of equal status lest a single traitor be bribed/tempet to deliver it to the enemy. The officers (Sabnis, Havladar, Sarnobhat) acted jointly and provided mutual checks balance. Shivaji had control of 360 forts when he died.

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